Taylor Named Faculty of Distinction for October 2021

Published: December 2, 2021

Congratulations to Troy Taylor, College of Western Idaho’s Faculty of Distinction for October 2021. Taylor is a Cybersecurity instructor and has been with the College for two years.

“I teach because I love sharing knowledge and preparing the next generation for success,” Taylor said. “I enjoy helping students learn, find their path, and prepare themselves for successful technology careers.”

Prior to CWI, Taylor spent 30 years working in information technology and cybersecurity working for several startups as well as starting and selling his own company. A master falconer on the side, he also spent several years studying wildlife.

“My interest in raptors led me to pursue a master’s degree just for me and just for fun in Wildlife Education and Birds of Prey. While I will likely not use it for a career, it as an area I had a love for and wanted to do a deep dive into. I came to realize my aptitude for teaching as I spent time educating the public about these amazing birds at various schools and nature centers in the valley.”

“When I started at CWI, I knew little to nothing about IT,” said Taylor’s student, Braden Johnson. “He made his courses feel welcoming and always put myself and others in a position to succeed. I appreciate how he took the time to answer my questions and meet up outside of class to go over material always reassuring me I was doing the right things and that I will have a place in IT as I continue on with my education.”

Taylor was born and raised in Washington but has lived in Idaho for over 30 years. Him and his wife, who he says is the secret to his success, have been married for 22 years and are now empty nesters.

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