Psychology Club Welcomes David Dunn

Published: February 23, 2018

College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Psychology Club is proud to welcome alumnus, David Dunn, to campus Tuesday, March 13, 2018, to discuss his educational journey and progress toward professional goals.

Dunn began his education at CWI in the spring of 2009.  After this initial semester, David left CWI and later returned for the Spring 2015 semester to complete an associate degree in Liberal Arts. Dunn took full advantage of the CWI experience and was an INBRE scholar. Fall of 2016, David transferred to Reed College in Portland, Oregon, where his studies now focus on neuroscience.

Dunn’s presentation, held at the College’s Nampa Campus Academic Building in room 104 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., will include insights on the process of education, choosing a major, establishing educational and professional goals, and Dunn’s current research efforts.  

For more information, contact Martha Timberlake at

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