In a kaleidoscopic of color, English 201 students and College of Western Idaho (CWI) President, Bert Glandon, wrote on large pieces of easel paper surrounding Instructor Ryan Witt’s Persuasive Writing class. They were completing a brainstorming exercise; can community-engaged persuasive writing help make community connections?
President Glandon spent the class engaging with students and learning about the skills they have developed throughout the semester, as they focus on gaining the attention of an audience in different forms — including social media.
“It was great to get in class with students and have an engaging conversation about real issues that affect the College,” President Glandon said. “It’s good to see classes that effectively and efficiently address the College and how we can better serve the community.”
Additionally, students had a chance to share with President Glandon why they enjoy attending CWI.
“I really appreciate all of the instructors I’ve taken classes from at CWI, they’re super flexible!” said English 201 student, Nora M.