Got AI? New Program Offering Prepares Students for an Artificial Intelligence Future

Published: July 25, 2024

In a digital landscape that's constantly evolving, 2024 is experiencing a seismic shift in the technology sector. As reported by, approximately 263,180 jobs have been displaced in the tech industry, with a remarkable 106,630 positions transitioning into Artificial Intelligence (AI)-focused roles. Recognizing the need to empower students with AI-related skills, thought leaders at College of Western Idaho (CWI) have created the Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing (AICC) program.

This isn’t the first time new technologies have revolutionized entire industries. Indeed, similar disruptions have stemmed from the introduction of the cotton gin, the telegraph, the automobile assembly line production model championed by Henry Ford, and of course the integration of computers in the late 70s. “Computers did not replace workers; rather, they redefined the job market. As a result, acquiring computer skills has become a non-negotiable and foundational demand for every professional,” said Scott Didriksen, instructor of AI and software development at CWI. “Similarly, AI is set to initiate a comparable workplace transformation,” said Didriksen.

The new Associate of Applied Science degree allows aspiring technologists to be part of this transformation and dive into the world of AI and Cloud Computing. It’s tailored for those craving data analytics, cloud services, and the ethical application of AI in business and cybersecurity contexts.

The curriculum — created through close collaboration with industry heavyweights — will prepare and empower students to spearhead innovation throughout their careers. Experience immersive, practical learning with proficient instructors who integrate real-world predicaments into the classroom.

Not only is CWI leading Idaho in its degree offerings, but also in its ethical integration of AI into the classroom. Liza Long, assistant professor of English at CWI, champion of AI-empowered pedagogy, and a proud recipient of the Generative AI in Higher Education Fellowship recently shared, "Students, when educated to harness AI in a responsible and ethical manner, are capable of delivering superior work. These competencies are essential in the contemporary workspace. Preparing our students for this reality aligns seamlessly with our college's mission.”

Whether you're deciphering complex data or safeguarding networks from cyber threats, CWI is the launchpad where passion ignites purpose. Here's a snapshot of the high-impact learning areas you'll explore:

  • Ethical AI Implementation: Master the art of ethically leveraging AI in business and cybersecurity scenarios.
  • AI-Driven Tools: Acquire expertise in using AI tools to sift through large data sets and convert them into actionable insights.
  • Cloud Computing Skills: Develop a robust understanding of cloud infrastructure and services, with potential certifications in AWS Cloud, PCEP (Python), and CompTIA Data+.
  • Hands-On Projects: Participate in practical projects that simulate real-world challenges, from crafting AI tools to analyzing cybersecurity threats.
  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Build a comprehensive foundation in data analytics, cloud computing, and machine learning, preparing you for a spectrum of sought-after careers.

The Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing program is accepting applicant now for Fall 2024.

Accelerate your journey to becoming a future-ready tech professional.

Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing

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