CWI Partners to Educate Entrepreneurs

Published: February 4, 2014

On Feb. 13, the College of Western Idaho (CWI) in partnership with the Women’s Business Center (WBC) of Idaho will present an educational session at the 2014 Smart Women, Smart Money Financial Conference in Boise. CWI and the WBC of Idaho are co-sponsoring the How to Launch Your Business From the Back of a Napkin breakout session, which will focus on providing tools for entrepreneurs to validate new business ideas.

In conjunction with the conference, CWI is also collaborating with the WBC of Idaho to launch a new entrepreneurially focused class, From Vision to Venture: Planning for Business Success. The course will be offered through CWI Business Partnerships/Workforce Development, starting on March 17, at the CWI Micron Center for Professional Technical Education. Visit the College’s website for more information and to register.

“This is an exciting opportunity for CWI to offer a successful course that provides business knowledge and resources the next generation of entrepreneurs need to be successful,” says CWI Technology and Business Solutions Manager, Becky Sherman. “Adding this new class continues CWI’s focus on local business and industry by providing educational resources for continued economic growth in Idaho.”

For more information on the Smart Women, Smart Money Financial Conference, visit More information and to register for the From Vision to Venture: Planning for Business course can be found on the CWI website.

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