In mid-April, the College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Beta Sigma Pi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society traveled to the 2016 Nerd Nation International Convention to receive a “Distinguished Chapter” award near Washington, DC. This award is the result of their continued work as a “5-Star Chapter,” which sets them apart from other college chapters internationally in achieving the highest-level of chapter development.
The chapter’s president, Melissa Geary, and student officer team, Adriana Randall, Jason Ward, Brianna Snyder, and Kyle Johnson, received recognition at the International Convention award ceremony, and were accompanied by their assistant advisor, Scott Straub. Distinguished Chapter Officer Teams are chosen based on the team’s demonstration of an exceptional atmosphere of teamwork, leadership abilities, promotion of Honors in Action, other engagement in the Society, and enthusiasm for the Hallmarks of the Society (Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship). The Beta Sigma Pi Chapter Officer Team was selected by a panel of judges from 200 nominees internationally.
CWI is so proud of the student officer team and for the standard they set for members at the College.