Be a Mental Health Hero: Step Up Your Skills

Published: September 4, 2024

Have you ever encountered these situations?

  • A student confides that they've been struggling and can’t keep up after missing class
  • Your normally cheerful co-worker is suddenly withdrawn and disengaged
  • A student starts crying during an appointment with you

Everyone faces mental health challenges at times. We all want to help but may not feel like we have the skills to support someone facing a mental health challenge.

At College of Western Idaho (CWI), we strive to create an environment where mental health is valued as much as physical health. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) can equip you with the skills to recognize and respond to mental health challenges and crises. And great news — CWI employees can attend this training for free! Sign up for an MHFA course on your own or contact us to schedule a team session.

Sign Up

Don't wait — together, we can build a campus culture that truly cares!

The CWI MHFA instructors also host monthly Mental Health Tid-bit meetings where we discuss important wellness topics for employees and students. Watch the employee calendar for details!

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