Idaho Code Section 33-2110 states that a student shall not be deemed a resident for tuition purposes of the community college district, or of the county, or of the state of Idaho unless the student meets the residency requirements set forth in Idaho Code Section 33-2110B. It further states that a student may not become a resident while enrolled in school except in certain instances. If the student can answer yes to any of the following questions and provide necessary documentation proof, they may be considered a resident of the district, county, or state. Proof of residency documents must be provided with the residency redetermination form for valid consideration. Forms should be turned in no later than census date for the semester in which the change is requested. All forms received after census date will be considered for the following semester.
* Note: This is not a substitute for the certificate of residency. Out of district students are required to submit a Certificate of Residency/Affidavit every academic year.