Event Planning Guide

Planning Checklist

WHAT YOU NEED TO CONSIDER (not all inclusive):

  • With the guidance of CWI Scheduling, please communicate needs & submit required documents in a timely manner.
  • See Rate Sheet for room and resource fees.

Business Office

  • Contracts (may be required)
  • Vendor Agreements (may be required)
  • Proof of Licensure (may be required)

Risk Management

  • Insurance (required)


  • Dedicated primary contact for event (required)


  • IT (computers, personnel, projectors, etc.)
  • AV (microphones, sound, video)
  • CWI Rental Equipment*


  • Tables (6' or 8')
  • Chairs
  • Trash Bins (sm, lg)
  • Canopies
  • Signage
  • Non-CWI Rental Equipment*
  • Electrical Needs
  • Traffic flow/markers
  • Security* (required)
  • Custodial* (may be required)
  • Maps of Event
  • Safety/Emergency Plan (see below)

* See Rate Sheet .

Safety and Emergency Guidelines


This guide is to help navigate event safety needs through the planning and execution of your event at CWI.
Please communicate all needs clearly and in a timely manner to CWI Scheduling to help coordinate your event and assist with
any ideas that may fall outside of noted guidelines below.

Safety Planning

  • Designate one person to be involved in planning and present for the entire event (set up through breakdown) to:
    • Be the single point of (primary) contact with CWI for all issues (safety and otherwise) that may arise at the event.
    • Work with Security should passageways or fire lanes become blocked/congested.
    • For emergencies, first call 911, then, Security will be available to assist.
  • A scheduled walk through the venue in advance is highly encouraged.
  • Exit and entrance pathways (including emergency exit doors not routinely used), hallways, corridors, sidewalks, driveways
    CANNOT BE BLOCKED at any time (an exception can be proposed to CWI Scheduling for review well in advance).
  • Traffic flow plan (pedestrian and vehicular) defined with CWI input (inside and outside).
  • Electrical needs may require specific placement of activities due to circuit capacities & tripping concerns. Equipment must be in
    proper working order. (Please see requirements for outside events (below)).
  • Appropriate location and items needed for activities involving scientific demonstrations, etc. that will use chemicals, heating elements/
    open flames (including BBQs), machinery (including generators), etc.
    • Use appropriate storage for flammables/fire extinguishers, personal protective equip., etc. during event.

        Large and/or Outside Events

  • Create plan for inclement weather (outdoor events)
    • Move event? Change in activities? Cancel? Who makes the call? Who contacts all involved?
  • Electrical needs for outside events require a generator.
  • During outside events, ensure that canopies and other large objects are secured with weights sufficient enough to keep the item in place.
    • No stakes are allowed in parking lots or grass at any time.
  • For large events, create set up schedule (stagger vendor arrival when needed) and accurate, detailed map with enough staff/volunteers available to assist in guiding people to appropriate places the day of event.
    • All transport of items from parking lot must be completed 30 minutes prior to event start (inside or outside).
  • Breakdown of displays or equipment must wait until the event is closed/ended.

Emergency Planning

  • Be familiar with CWI Emergency handbook and know Security phone number: 208-562-3333. 
  • Create an emergency plan and provide orientation to all CWI employees, volunteers and vendors working the event that includes:
    • Nearest exits (and safe assembly areas outdoors). 
    • Evacuation of a localized area is required even if a small fire, etc. doesn't require full evacuation.
      • Assembly areas cannot be in hallways, roadways, or fire lanes, etc.
      • All people must remain in evacuation areas until clearance is given.
      • Identify where fire extinguishers, etc. are located. 

Insurance Requirements


  • All renters, service providers and vendors are required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance coverage.
    This is also true for external co-sponsors of CWI events.
    • Minimum Requirements:
      • $1 million per claim/$2 million aggregate
      • Name CWI as an Additional Insured
      • Utilize link to TULIP Insurance, if they do not have their own liability insurance..
  • Additional requirements that may be apply to an event:
    • Worker's Compensation, if they have employees
    • Food Handler's License (for food providers).
    • Idaho Health Certificate (for food providers).
    • Contracts/waivers indemnifying CWI
  • Entertainment/Performer Requirements:
    • Vendor/Performer Agreements/Contracts will contain:
      • Indemnification agreements, including insurance and licensing requirements