CWI Rental Rates

Facility Use

Locations at the Ada County Center, Nampa Campus, and the Canyon County Center

CWI Locations

Room Size or Type 1-3 hrs Standard Rate 4-6 Hrs Standard Rate 7-10 Hrs Standard Rate 1-3 Hrs State/Fed/Non-Profit* Rate 4-6 Hrs State/Fed/Non-Profit* 7-10 Hrs State/Fed/Non-Profit*
10-25 Capacity Classroom $45 $60 $100 $38 $51 $85
26-50 Capacity Classroom $75 $100 $180 $64 $85 $153
51-100 Capacity Classroom $120 $150 $208 $102 $128 $176.80
98 Capacity Lecture Hall $120 $150 $280 $102 $128 $238
Computer classroom $100 $125 $200 $85 $106 $170
Lobbies/Common areas $120 $150 $280 $102 $128 $238

Terms and conditions apply.

NOTE: All time over allotted time with be charged Standard or State/Fed/Non-Profit* rates.

* 15% discount for State/Fed/Non-Profit groups include:

  • Government entities (State, Local, Federal)
  • Colleges and Universities
  • School Districts
  • Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts
  • Non-profit community organizations
  • Non-Profit charities
  • Church Groups


Sound Equipment Public Rate State/Fed/Non-Profit* Rate
A/V - Microphone per microphone (Wired) $10 $8.50
A/V - Microphone per microphone (Wireless) $30 $25.50
A/V - Lapel Mic per microphone (Wireless) $30 $25.50
A/V - Public Address speaker $50 $42.50
A/V - Public Address speaker (pair) $75 $63.75
A/V - Public Address speaker and one wired microphone $60 $51
Video Equipment Public Rate State/Fed/Non-Profit* Rate
A/V - Projector + Screen (for spaces without existing) $150 $127.50
A/V - Projector (contract fee pass through) (contract fee pass through)
A/V - Projection Screen (contract fee pass through) (contract fee pass through)
A/V - CD/DVD Player (not for public) (not for public)
A/V - VCR/DVD (not for public) (not for public)
A/V - VCR/DVD + Flat panel monitor $125 $106.25
A/V - VCR/DVD + Projector + Screen + speakers (for rooms without) $225 $191.25
A/V - TV - flat panel on roll around cart $100 $85
Help Desk Equipment Public Rate State/Fed/Non-Profit* Rate
IT - Wireless Internet access $20 $17
IT - Console Internet access $20 $17
IT - Telephone / fax line configuration / provide phone number $50 $42.50
IT - Speakerphone (in room where it's not already installed) $50 $42.50
IT - Computer/Laptop $100 $85
IT- Printer $50 $42.50


Specialty Fees (hourly) After Hours Public Rate After Hours State/Fed/Non-Profit* Rate
A/V - Technician (AV) $40 $60
IT - Technician (Computer) $40 $60
Security $17.28 $25.93
Custodial Services $16 $25

The cost(s) for any additional services which the College needs to procure on behalf of the Requestor/Client for an event will be charged to the Requestor/Client.