PTK Officers Kick Off New Academic Year [1]

New officers for College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) chapter of the national Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society, Beta Sigma Pi [2], met with President Bert Glandon and Kelly Steely – Dean of Business, Communication, and Technology – on Friday, August 16, to discuss plans for their college project and for the regional PTK conference the College is hosting this fall. President Glandon expressed appreciation for the chapter’s top-40 status [3] among more than 1,300 PTK chapters worldwide.
“We don’t have sports teams,” President Glandon told the group. “Instead, we have outstanding academic teams like PTK.”
The chapter officers discussed their plans to focus on civility for their Honors in Action paper and plans for a faculty appreciation week as part of their College Project.
“This team continues to amaze me,” PTK co-advisor and English [4] faculty, Liza Long said. “They are already well on their way to achieving five-star status—and this is just the beginning of the semester.”
Long also noted how much the Beta Sigma Pi has appreciated support from President Glandon and Dean Steely.
“This is such an excellent leadership opportunity for our students,” she said. “I hope even more students will get involved.”
Invitations to students who are eligible to join the Beta Sigma Pi chapter of PTK International Honor Society will be sent in September. Students with questions are encouraged to contact Dr. Long at [5].