Visiting Scientist Series Welcomes Dr. Carolyn Hovde Bohach [1]

College of Western Idaho's Visiting Scientist Series is proud to welcome Dr. Carolyn Hovde Bohach to campus Thursday, Nov. 29, to present, "A Scientific Journey: Cattle, the Silent Reservoir of E. Coli".
Bohach is a University Distinguished Professor and has served as the Idaho NIH INBRE Director since 2006 and as the Idaho NIH BRIN/INBRE Associate Director from 2001 to 2006. Her B.S. and Ph.D. are in microbiology from the University of Illinois and the University of Minnesota, respectively. She trained as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. She has taught undergraduate microbiology, graduate Immunology, medical school biochemistry, and graduate level scientific writing and scientific oral presentation courses. She is an established research scientist with a history of continuous NIH funding since 1993. She has mentored numerous junior researchers, post-doctoral fellows, graduate, and undergraduate students. Her laboratory studies E. coli O157:H7 with a primary focus on understanding the relationship between this human pathogen and its silent reservoir, healthy cattle.
Projects include basic science as well as the development of effective interventions such as bovine vaccination, bacteriophage therapy, and on-farm management strategies to reduce cattle carriage of the pathogen. Her research program has also included structure: function analysis of Shiga toxin produced by the enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Dr. Hovde Bohach has authored more than 100 scientific publications, one book, and holds one patent. She is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including election as a Fellow to the AAAS, the American Society for Microbiology Carski Foundation Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, the University of Idaho Excellence in Research Award, the R. M. Wade Excellence in Teaching Award, the Alumni Award for Faculty Excellence, and the Gamma Sigma Delta Research Award. From 2014 to 2017, she served as the NAIPI (National Association of IDeA PIs) President, an organization that protects and promotes the NIGMS IDeA Program.
Date: Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018
Time: 1 – 2 p.m.
Location: Nampa Campus Academic Building [2], room 102E
The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Contact Ehab Marji at 208.562.3358 or [3] to learn more.