Visiting Artist Series Welcomes The Disbelievable Domain of Zee [1]

Join College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Visiting Artist Series for a thrilling modern adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as they welcome Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s Idaho Theater for Youth, Saturday, May 1, for a recorded performance of The Disbelievable Domain of Zee followed by a live Q & A session all are sure to enjoy!
To participate, plan to watch Idaho Theater for Youth’s recorded performance of The Disbelievable Domain of Zee at any time prior to the Q & A session on May 1. The performance is 45 minutes in length and will be closed captioned.
Watch The Disbelievable Domain of Zee [2]
Following your viewing of the performance, join The Disbelievable Domain of Zee’s creative team and cast members for a Q & A session. The session will begin at 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, and will be interpreted in American Sign Language. Enrich your experience with The Disbelievable Domain of Zee Viewing Guide linked below.
Zoom Link: The Disbelievable Domain of Zee Q & A Session [3]
CWI’s Visiting Artist Series is made possible through a grant from Idaho Commission on the Arts, which is supported by National Endowment for the Arts. Visiting Artist Series workshops, featuring visual and performing artists, are free and open to the entire CWI community.
Contact Brenda Fisher at [4] to learn more or with questions.