Take Part in the 2023 Trunk-or-Treat [1]

Associated Students of College of Western Idaho’s (ASCWI) annual Trunk-or-Treat is back and better than ever! Join us on Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Nampa Campus Academic Building [2] (NCAB) east parking lot for a fun and family-friendly evening of trick-or-treating, games, and more.
If spooky fun is what you're looking for, come join us for this year's trunk or treat. This year, we'll have even more decorated cars, more candy, and more fun! Come dressed in your best costume and trick-or-treat from the trunks of “spook-mobiles!” There will be fun games for all ages, music, and tacos from Tin Roof Tacos!
Come share candy and enjoy the Halloween festivities with your CWI community. We encourage everyone to come out and have a good time!
Nampa Campus Academic Building [2] (NCAB), east parking lot
Please remember, masks that cover your full face and full face paint are not allowed due to safety precautions. People are also not allowed to carry any weapons or props that resemble any sort of weapon (gun, knives, swords, bows and arrow, etc.). Any item or prop that is brought onto campus will be asked to be put back in your vehicle, even if it is a part of your costume as these are prohibited by CWI.
CWI clubs and organizations along with CWI departments and offices are invited to host a trunk or table. Sign up to secure your spot!
For more information about Trunk-or-Treat, please contact ASCWI at ascwi@cwi.edu [4].