Save the Date for Commencement [1]

College of Western Idaho (CWI) is proud to honor the graduating class of 2014 during the fifth-annual CWI Commencement Ceremony, Saturday (May 17), at 7 p.m. Plan to join in celebrating the achievements of this year’s class at Taco Bell Arena in Boise.
As with previous years, employee volunteers will be needed so please watch Bert’s Alerts for information related to helping out at commencement. Any questions about commencement may be directed to [2]. Also visit [3] for more information.
Join the #cwigraduation Conversation
CWI will be celebrating commencement through social media so be sure to join the conversation. Whether you are attending the ceremony or just want to support the students, this is a fun opportunity to be part of the CWI graduation experience. Simply include #cwigraduation on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.