Food Pantry Drive Sees Sweet Success Thanks to Generous Community [1]

The generous College of Western Idaho (CWI) community came together in the last week to help support the College's food and hygiene pantries. The equivalent of more than 40 bags of groceries were donated to pantries in last week's successful food drive.
Staff from CWI Counseling and Wellness Services and the One Stop Student Experience team, along with a number of other faculty and staff across campus, distributed the food and hygiene items to the College's five food pantries as they came in. Many of the donations have already been gobbled up by hungry students as they get ready to take on finals week.
Additionally, staff members leading the food drive are incredibly grateful to the College's Workforce Development department for their generous donation of $2,000! These funds will be used to have the pantries fully stocked when Spring 2023 semester starts.
“It fills my heart that our CWI campus community chooses to support students in this important way,” said CWI Counselor and Basic Needs Coordinator, Christy Babcock. “I am grateful to work at an institution with so many caring people.
While the food drive may be over, people are still able to donate items to help feed CWI students throughout the year. Those interested in donating to the CWI food pantry program can stock appropriate items directly into one of the pantries.
Needed food items:
- instant soups (ramen, mac-n-cheese, or other instant meals)
- pull-top cans or pouches of tuna, chicken, other meats
- pull-top canned soups, chili, ravioli
- individual-sized applesauce or fruit cups and pouches
- granola bars and similar snack items
- small jars of peanut butter
- individual size bags of jerky, crackers, trail mix, nuts, and dried fruit
- instant oatmeal
- individual-sized juices and milk boxes that do not require refrigeration
Grab-and-go lunch items and snacks are the most utilized items. Canned vegetables, pastas, sauces, and other items a person might take home to make a meal do not move as quickly through our pantries.
Miscellaneous items:
- plastic silverware (no knives please)
- paper bowls (no Styrofoam)
- napkins
Hygiene items:
- toothpaste and toothbrushes
- shampoo and conditioner
- soap and body wash
- deodorant
- razors and shaving cream
- feminine hygiene products
- hairbrushes and combs
The food pantry cannot accept perishable, expired, or opened items.
Food Pantry locations
- Nampa Campus Academic Building [2] (NCAB), near Room 122
- Nampa Campus Micron Education Center [3] (NMEC), near Room 116
- Canyon County Center [4] (CYNC), near Room 106
- Ada County Mallard Building [5] (AMAL), near Room 1122
- Ada County Pintail Building [6] (APIN), near Room 1117
For those with questions or in need of more information, contact Christy Babcock at [7].