Finding His True Calling through College of Western Idaho [1]

As Wade Kindberg eases into another year at College of Western Idaho (CWI), he reflects on the many opportunities he’s been able to have to learn new skills and trades.
“CWI has been the best thing for my future,” Kindberg said.
The 21-year-old is no stranger to CWI. This fall marks his fourth year at the College, where he has earned his Associate of Science degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) [2], a Basic Technical certificate in Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology [3], and is currently working on obtaining a certificate in Machine Tool Technology [4].
“CWI has provided great opportunity for me as I have met, and continue to meet, amazing mentors and students with the same level of inspiration to create and help better this world.”
Originally, Kindberg came to CWI as a STEM major. It was there he was able to get experience with engineering courses, learn more about electronics, and discovered the Mechatronics program on campus. However, it wasn’t until the pandemic where he began to shift his focus and made the decision to pursue mechatronics.
“I was supposed to transfer to a university for an Electronic Engineering degree after I completed my degree in STEM, but COVID-19 messed up my scheduling. It was then I decided to go into Mechatronics so I could have a broader experience in the workforce where they have tons of machines, increase workflow productivity, and deal with robots and programming them.”
Kindberg was awarded a $3,500 Nagel Foundation [5] scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year as he continues to learn and work toward a future career.
“I am so appreciative of the Nagel Foundation for expanding my education as I will always be a student to the teachings of the technology this world provides. With their help I am able to spend more time and focus on my education, my true interests in life.”
He believes through instructors and resources around him, like the scholarship, he has been able to find his calling at CWI.
"This education will help me reach my dreams of being able to produce the tools and parts of my own and others’ designs for creations to help others and businesses. For me, this education is very important as it increases my ability to manufacture with materials at hand.”
While he is not completely set on what he wants to do after CWI, Kindberg does know one thing; he wants to be involved in electronics and machines.
“I like to work on that type of stuff in my own free time. A career would just be a bonus for me."