Albertsons Companies Foundation Donates $12K to CWI Campus Garden and Food Pantries [1]

College of Western Idaho (CWI) is truly grateful to receive $6,000 from Albertsons Companies Foundation as part of CWI Giving Day [2]. Albertsons Companies Foundation [3] has also made a promise to provide an additional dollar-for-dollar match of up to $6,000 for Giving Day donations — making in total a $12,000 pledge from the Foundation.
Albertsons Companies Foundation has donated $1,000 to support CWI’s Campus Garden [4] and $5,000 to support CWI Food Pantries [5]. According to a CWI student survey, 40% of CWI students suffer from some form of food insecurity — both the Campus Garden and CWI Food Pantry help provide resources to help feed students in need.
CWI’s Campus Garden supports Agricultural Science students’ coursework by providing them with a hands-on experience and introducing them to local food options, where it comes from, and how it is grown. During harvest season, the produce from the garden is collected and distributed to students at CWI’s Nampa Campus Academic Building (NCAB).
The College has five Food Pantries located throughout CWI’s campuses, where CWI students and employees experiencing food insecurity are welcome to help themselves to what they need. The pantries also contain hygiene products for people to take and use. Research shows supporting students with on-campus food pantries helps promote positive student development, retention, and graduation rates.
One thousand dollars of the Foundation’s pledged dollar-for-dollar match will also be donated to the Campus Garden and the other pledged $5,000 match will be donated to CWI Food Pantries.
“Every student deserves a chance at a bright future, but many in our own community face a serious disadvantage because they experience food insecurity,” said President of Albertsons Companies Intermountain Division, John Colgrove. “We are thrilled to partner with CWI to support their campus food pantry and campus garden and ensure all students have access to nutritious food.”
“We are so thankful for Albertsons Companies Foundation’s support of CWI’s Campus Garden and Food Pantries, which provides hands-on learning opportunities for our students and access to fresh food,” said CWI President Gordon Jones.
CWI invites alumni, donors, faculty, staff, and community members to join our first-ever CWI Giving Day — a 24-hour campaign — Wednesday, April 12, and Thursday, April 13. CWI Giving Day supports students and areas of the College that make a difference in our community’s lives, like the Student Emergency Fund.
To get involved, people can do so by donating and sharing the CWI Giving Day page [6] with friends, family, colleagues, and others in their community.
CWI Giving Day will launch on Wednesday, April 12 at 12 p.m., MST, and close on Thursday, April 13 at 12 p.m., MST.
For those with questions or in need of more information about CWI Giving Day, please contact CWI Foundation at [7].