2021 President’s Writing Award Submissions [1]

Get paid to do your homework! College of Western Idaho (CWI) President, Dr. Bert Glandon, invites all students to submit their writing to his annual contest for a chance at publication on the College’s website and a cash prize. First-place winners in each category receive $250, second-place winners receive $175, and third-place winners receive $100.
“This award is a celebration of the power of writing and its importance in to all academic disciplines,” Glandon said. “My wife and I look forward every year to this opportunity to review this amazing writing and great academic work that is done.”
Submission categories include:
- Creative Nonfiction
- Poetry
- Fiction
- Critical Analysis
- Literature Based Writing
- Original Research
- First-Year Writing
- Technical Writing
The submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. March 6, 2021. You must be a CWI student to submit, and the writing must have been completed for coursework at CWI. Previously published writing will not be accepted. One submission per category is allowed. Submissions may not be submitted to more than one category.
Visit the President’s Writing Awards [2] webpage for submission link and guidelines.