January 21-Day Challenge Results [1]

Thank you to all who participated in the January 21-day Challenge – the Sugar-less Challenge! We had 46 of our participants submit their results for the goal of eliminating processed or added sugar in the diet for 21 days, only eating naturally occurring sugars from fruits and vegetables.
Participants who reached the goal for all 21 days were entered to win a Magic Bullet Mini Blender or Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide.
Magic Bullet Mini Blender
- Anna Martin
- Paul Belue
Complete Food and Nutrition Guide
- Rick Coonrod
- Patricia Williams
Participants who completed 10+ days of the challenge were entered to win a coupon for a free juice or smoothie from Tree City Juice and Smoothie Cafe. Participation prize winners for January are:
- Miranda Wilkett
- Ted Daniels
- Russell Hills
- Jessa Walker
- Aleysha McCoy
- Liz Otterness
- Jodi Hickenlooper
- Julia Kaufmann
- Brittney Hernandez
- Michael Jensen
- Josee Ward
- Stacy Hardy
- Tessa Calip
- Lindsey Zahller
- Shannon Grimsley
- Teresa Rich
- Deidra Bowman
- Angela Zaugg
Here is what participants said about the Sugar-less Challenge:
“Going forward, my family and I will be reading labels more closely,” said Basic Skills Education Supervisor, Liz Otterness. “Added sugar is everywhere. We even found it in our table salt!”
“I feel amazing! I think that from now on, I will be able to be more aware of sugar and the affects that it has on my health,” said Student Affairs Sign Language Interpreter, Janette Lovell. “I have noticed less mood swings, irritability, ability to better manage stress, and I performed much better in the gym this month! I would say this challenge was my favorite!”
“One of my favorite challenges! As someone who indulges in too much sugar, this was a huge wake up call,” said Dean of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Courtney Santillan. “I'm happy to report I'm still eating A LOT less sugar than I was at the beginning of the month. Yeah!”
The February 21-day Move More Challenge [2] has taken off with participants doing a minimum 15 minutes of intentional exercise each day from February 1-21.
Don’t forget to check out how you can get access to free personal training as a CWI Employee [3]! Deadline to sign up is March 19. Visit the Culture and Employee Engagement Committee site on myCWI [4] for all the Employee Wellness Challenge details!