Free Fitness Training Program for CWI Employees [1]

The CWI Employee Wellness Challenge [2] is excited to announce a partnership with the Department of Health Science and students from the EXHS-163 Fitness, Assessment, and Design course. This partnership will give students the critical hands-on experience to assess a client and design a fitness program while CWI employees get the benefit of a short-term individualized training program for free! This is a great opportunity for each group to work and learn from the other in a very personalized manner.
Program Details:
- 22 spots are available for CWI employees.
- The opportunity is open to anyone who wants to have a custom-made training plan created for them and/or wants to help our students gain experience.
- Participants must be available for five weeks starting in early April to meet regularly with a Student Personal Trainer and commit to a training plan.
- Program includes an initial consultation with student, fitness testing, training plan overview, in depth follow-up about training progression, and final consultation with student including a 2nd month’s training plan.
- Participants will be asked to submit an evaluation of their experience with the Student Personal Trainer.
- Participants may be requested to perform basic fitness testing on their own due to COVID-19 precautions. If this is the case, they will be provided written instructions and the tests will be appropriate for their current abilities. They will not be required to purchase any equipment.
Participant Qualifications:
- Must complete the PAR-Q+ survey [3] and either not require medical clearance OR have a doctor’s note allowing participation in physical activity. Please note, if the survey asks you to continue forward and fill out the ePARmed-X+ form, you will need to do so in order to get an accurate result.
Ready to participate? Complete these simple steps to apply:
- Complete the PAR-Q+ survey [3].
- Fill out a Personal Training Form [4].
The deadline to apply for participation is March 19. Spots will be filled on a rolling basis as applications are submitted. Apply early!
Please contact Tim Curry, instructor for EXHS-163, with any questions you have about participating at 208.562.3077 or [5].