Emergency Medical Services Open House at CWI [1]

On Oct. 22, College of Western Idaho (CWI) Workforce Development [2] is inviting the community to explore the exciting and rewarding careers in the Emergency Medical Services field that are accessible through fast-track training programs at an upcoming open house.
This month will feature the Emergency Medical Services [3] programs which are serving a growing industry that is in need of well-trained individuals to fill the expected 17 percent growth in the EMS field between 2012 and 2022 in Idaho according to the Idaho Department of Labor.
Not only will you be able to learn more about the feature program, but representatives and information will be available from all of CWI’s Workforce Development program areas including Customized Training, Technology and Business Solutions, and Trades Manufacturing and Construction.
The College will host an open house:
Thursday, Oct. 22
5-7 p.m.
Canyon County Center, Room 168
2407 Caldwell Blvd, Nampa – View Map [4]
EMS classes at CWI are taught by trained professionals with years of experience who will bring real world expertise to the educational experience for every student. In addition, instructors utilize state of the art technology to enhance the teaching experience, such as HAL, a simulation manikin that will mimic real world scenarios and prepare students for a career in the EMS fields. View more on HAL.
Instructors and former students will be at the open house to talk with attendees and answer any questions they may have about getting into this in-demand career.
View EMS class information:
Interested in other Workforce Development training options from CWI?
- Customized Training [7]
- Healthcare & Emergency Medical Services [3]
- Online Courses [8]
- Technology and Business Solutions [9]
- Trades, Manufacturing, and Construction [10]
Please call 208.562.2700 or email wd@cwi.edu [11] for more information about the event or with any questions about training through Workforce Development.