Upcoming Event- St. Baldricks [1]

Cancer has impacted all of us, whether personally, through friends, or family members. The last three years CWI students have taken a stand. We’ve hosted St. Baldrick’s events to raise money in the fight against children’s cancer, volunteered our time, and shaved our heads. Join us in sharing your story and support for the CWI community and beyond. This year CWI will hold three different shaving events at NCAB, ADAC and MCPT. Shave your head, volunteer, and help raise money in the fight against cancer.
Shaving Events:
March 12 11-2:00 pm, Nampa Campus Academic Building
March 13 11-2:00 pm, Ada County Center
March 19 11-1:00 pm Nampa Campus Micron Center for Professional Technical Education
CWI GOAL: $3,000
Sign up and donate online
Look us up. You can form teams, sign up to be a shaveed or donate by signing up at http://www.stbaldricks.org/events/mypage/6189/2014 [2]
Looking for ways to help?
If you would like help raise money for the St. Baldricks, we're looking for people to sell lucky charms or bracelets for $5 each. All proceeds and left over charms and bracelets do need to be returned ;) For example if you take 10, and you sell 5, you will need to return $25 and 5 charms or bracelets. You can get some swag by contacting Joi Deter at joideter@my.cwi.edu
If you got someone to buy a lucky charms, write their name on it, and hang it up at the campus of choice. (There will be designated areas to be determined at each campus).
If you raise at least $50, you get a free t-shirt! In order to receive the t-shirt they will need to email Joi Deter joideter@my.cwi.edu no later than March 3rd with their size.
Volunteer or help lead one of the events. We are looking for the following event leaders:
3 Registrars: Help create the shaving schedule for an event
2 Treasurers: Help count and deposit donations at the end of each event
2 Barber coordinators: Help book barbers to help at our shaving events
Event volunteers: Help run the events or with items to help make them successful.
Email Joi Deter if you would like to volunteer for any of these positions at joideter@my.cwi.edu [3].