STEM Out! Inspires Students [1]

As the marble rolls down a wooden track, students visiting the Secondary Education station of the STEM Out! event, eagerly watch as it winds its way along the rollercoaster looking creation – a cheer erupts as the marble reaches the finish line.
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) STEM Out into Career and Technical Education [2] (CTE) event was a success on Saturday, Nov. 2, with 57 students from 7-8th grades visiting the Nampa Campus Micron Education Center [3] (NMEC).
Students explored six stations encompassing CTE careers in education, health, information technology, public safety, trades, manufacturing, and transportation. The students were impressed with the variety of opportunities at CWI, one stated, “This College is focused on helping people get jobs. It's got a lot of hands-on experiences, and it's only two years.”
CWI's Center for New Directions [4], the Provost, College deans, CTE faculty, Enrollment and Student Services, and Presidential Ambassadors [5] made the day possible with Perkins funding, collaboratively managing the sign-in, morning welcome, hallway monitoring, breakfast, and checkout.
“This was a wonderful chance for students to learn more about CTE programs at the College,” said Annette Grove, Coordinator of the Center for New Directions. “Presidential Ambassadors and staff acted as group leaders safely and enthusiastically leading students around NMEC during the event. Group leaders offered a leadership building approach to the day of career exploration, discussing future careers among their group’s participants.”