Engelhardt Named August 2023 Staff of the Month [1]

Congratulations to College of Western Idaho (CWI) Maintenance Craftsman, Richard Engelhardt, who was named Staff of the Month for August 2023!
Engelhardt helps manage maintenance, inspections, and fleet – where no two days are the same for him. His responsibilities span from basic maintenance to assisting with larger repairs, ensuring safe and well-maintained buildings and outdoor areas, and handling snow removal and waste management. He collaborates with contractors, oversees vehicle maintenance, and coordinates vehicle use and schedules, including driving to different locations and suppliers.
Prior to joining CWI, Engelhardt spent four years working at the City of Boise’s Parks and Recreation Department. During three of those years, he had the opportunity to care for the Rose Garden, which allowed him to add a personal touch to its beauty and interact with visitors from around the world. In his final year with the city, he worked at Ice World as part of the facilities team, tending to both the indoor and outdoor areas, and operating the Zamboni to prepare the ice for games.
One of Engelhardt's most cherished job experiences was from 2015 to 2018 when he worked at Horseshoe Bend School. During that time, he held multiple roles, including facility worker, school bus driver, and coaching positions for middle school football and basketball. He also served as a substitute teacher when needed.
Engelhardt has been part of the CWI community and the College's Facilities team for two years. He applied for a job at the institution after receiving encouragement from a former employee who believed he would be an excellent fit at the College. He told Engelhardt that he would enjoy his managers, and coworkers – which Engelhardt confirmed has been true.
It's not just Engelhardt who has found joy in working alongside his colleagues at the College. Those who have had the pleasure of working with Engelhardt share that he is a bright light at CWI, always keeping things functional and doing it with a smile.
School of Health Administrative Assistant, Karla Cordova, had the opportunity to work alongside Engelhardt earlier this semester during a painting project at the Ada County Center Quail Building (AQUL). She mentioned that Engelhardt always had a smile on his face and greeted everyone with a warm "Good morning" each day. He diligently ensured that everything was organized and ready for the painters to begin their work each day. Even after the project was completed, he promptly made sure everything was set back to its desired condition.
"Many times, the people behind the scenes are just that – behind the scenes and we don't realize the impact they have on our daily lives and our college in general,” said Cordova. “Richard is definitely one of those employees that is a high-impact, low-profile individual. We don't always ‘see’ them, but we all benefit from their hard work, dedication, and integrity. He went above and beyond taking care of all our needs. Always friendly, always courteous, and an absolute pleasure to work with. Richard embodies the exact type of employee CWI prides itself on retaining."
Since joining CWI, Engelhardt has had countless memories at the institution – one in particular has been his son enrolling in the College’s Unmanned Aerial Systems program where he took classes at Nampa Campus Micron Education Center [2] (NMEC) and Engelhardt got the chance to see him a few times a week.
Engelhardt looks forward to creating more memories at the institution and witnessing first-hand some of the campus expansion and development projects taking place over the next few years. Engelhardt believes there is a significant demand for the services and opportunities provided at CWI, especially for students who are beginning to embark on their life journey and seeking a promising future.
“CWI provides a very much-needed opportunity for people to learn a trade that is in dire need right now for the continued growth and foundation of our city, state, and country,” Englehardt said. “I hope it continues to be a place where success in our community is being developed.”
Outside of the College, enjoys spending time with his wife, Mardie, and three children; Madison, Travis, and Myles; five-year-old granddaughter, Remie Pearl, and King Charles Spaniel, Esther. He also loves doing yard work, playing golf, serving at his church as an Associate Pastor, and doing prison ministry.