CWI’s Heavy Duty Truck Students Join Inspections at Port of Entry [1]

Students from the College of Western Idaho (CWI) Heavy Duty Truck Technician program experienced a valuable field trip Wednesday, March 9, to the East Boise Port of Entry. CWI was hosted by the Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) and Commercial Enforcement Division of the Idaho State Police (ISP). The purpose of the trip was to view firsthand how ISP and ITD work together to keep commercial vehicles and drivers safe and operating under correct weights and lengths for highways. This supports the student’s current course, Advanced Preventative Maintenance, where they are doing detailed inspections and repair training on Class 8 semi-trucks. These are the same vehicles that would travel through these Ports of Entry and be inspected by State Police after the technicians have done repairs and inspections in industry repair facilities.
Students were given a quick overview of the operations at the east and west Ports by ITD’s Senior Inspector Caleb Forrey followed by ISP Specialist Shawn Staley who discussed inspection procedures and safety. Students observed the ISP conduct a full Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspection on random vehicles pulled from the line of trucks and trailers traveling through the port. Students then spent time with ITD’s weigh masters to learn how the trucks and trailers are measured for length, weight, registration, hours of service, and registrations.
The students were impressed with ITD’s and ISP’s concern for the safety of the public on the roadway with commercial vehicles and for the drivers and fleets. Some of the comments from students include:
“Specialist Staley was very professional, and did a fantastic job showing and explaining to us how the Idaho State Police conducts a DOT inspection. I believe this was the best part of the trip my class took. It was good and reassuring that the DOT inspection he was conducting mirrored the type of inspection that we have been taught to do.” Ryan Chinnock
“Thank you so much for allowing us to see the inner workings of the P.O.E. It was neat to see what goes on, I have many friends and some family that drive truck and hear mostly bad things about going through weigh stations. After spending the morning there I was able to give them some insight into why you all do what you do! Not picking on people but making the roads a safer place for all.” Julie Montgomery
“I understand now how much ISP and ITD are concerned with safety above all. I really think that being educated is the greatest way to help drivers be safe and for us as mechanics to be more aware of the importance of our jobs.” Brent Waller