CWI Sets the Record Straight on Community Colleges [1]

The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Marketing and Advancement Department has launched a fun new video project for the 2014 What if marketing campaign and is inviting employees and students to participate and help spread the word. The new video project will aim to “Debunk Community College Myths” through interviews and organic video methods. As part of the project, a video team will be at the Nampa Campus Academic Building recording responses to 10 myths about community colleges. The shoot schedule will be:
Friday, March 7
8 a.m. to Noon
Tuesday, March 11
Starting at 2 p.m.
The concept is based on allowing students and faculty to share their first-hand account of what a community college is really like. Students are also assisting by capturing footage using cell phones and GoPro cameras. Anyone interested in helping dispel the myths are encouraged to stop by and participate.