CWI Prepares for Important Accreditation Milestones [1]

As the College of Western Idaho (CWI) continues along the progression of seeking independent accreditation, two important milestones are fast approaching. This August the College will submit its Year Three Self Evaluation Report and on Oct. 8-9, 2014 representatives from The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) will arrive for the commission’s second visit to CWI.
The NWCCU granted CWI candidacy status for accreditation in January 2012 at which point the College entered a thorough review phase to demonstrate its potential for attaining accreditation within five years. The report submission and fall visit are critical update points in the process. Information on CWI’s accreditation process including copies of correspondence is available on the CWI website [2].
The College will send out additional information regarding the NWCCU visit including meetings and agenda details once provided by the commission.