2022 Nurse Pinning Ceremony [1]

College of Western Idaho’s Professional Nursing [2] program recognized its 2022 graduating class during a pinning ceremony Wednesday, May 12, at the Nampa Civic Center.
Welcoming graduates to the ceremony, Department Chair, Allison Baker, congratulated graduates on their accomplishments during a particularly challenging past few years.
“Your faculty and I are extremely proud of you for forging ahead in this unpredictable time and completing your degrees,” said Department Chair, Allison Baker. “The fortitude and flexibility that you have demonstrated during this time will serve you well in your careers.”
Following Baker’s remarks, Provost Denise Aberle-Cannata recognized former Dean of Health, Cathleen Currie, retiring after dedicating 14 years of service to the College. Graduates and guests were fortunate to then hear from Nampa Mayor Debbie Kling; Nursing Program Lead, Amanda Tillemans; and graduating Nursing student, Suzannah Barnard.
“We have had some truly wonderful memories as a group taking on the challenge of nursing school during a pandemic,” Barnard said. “We banded together as a group, and we didn’t let all the changes or trials of a pandemic slow us down, kick us out, or cause us to give up. Like Nightingale, we rose to the challenge, and we succeeded. I know each of us are ready to become nurses and that we will each be a valuable asset wherever we go because we have all become a little more tenacious, a little more knowledgeable, and a lot more caring. To the class of 2022, we did it!”
Congratulations to Jordan Schwartz, winner of the Nightingale Award, nominated by classmates for depicting the best of the nursing profession in knowledge, caring, compassion, and dedication.
To conclude the ceremony, Nursing faculty, Joslyn Dresser, emphasized the important role nurses play in the lives of others.
“Being a nurse is a great privilege. Please don’t take it lightly. As Maya Angelou once said, ‘As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the mind, soul, heart, and body of our patients. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.’ I know each and every one of you will make a difference in the lives of your patients, and we, the faculty of CWI, will be cheering you along the way.”