2020 Connections Project Celebrates Students

Despite the 2020 Connections Project being moved online, College of Western Idaho (CWI) is celebrating student projects with a video showcasing this year's Connections Excellence award recipients. More than 130 students submitted work, which included posters, artwork, videos, websites, and presentations. In addition to this recognition, award winners will also receive a cash prize.
Posters – Connect Category
Posters that explore existing connections between or within communities, cultures, or disciplines.
- First-place
- Audrey Young – "Bacillus Anthracis and Weaponized Anthrax"
- Brian Mitchell – “Myths and Misconceptions of Postpartum Depression”
- Runners-up
- Aaliyah Ibarra – “Memory Strategies”
- Rachel Hanson – “Girl Scouts, Self-Concepts, Comparisons—Oh My!”
- Tim Lobb – “Discovering a New Approach to Life”
- Ally Almaraz – “Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1”
Posters – Inspire Category
Posters that inspire others to learn more or take action.
- First-place
- Tayzia Stark – "Advocating for 'Shy Students'"
- Runners-up
- Sevio Stanton – “Exploring the Relationship Between Exoplanet Orbital Architectures and Host Star Compositions”
- Zack Szymczycha – “A Methodology for Systematic Mapping of Raptor Literature”
- Debra Brockert – “Hey! I Care About That Issue”
- Roni Ramos – “Free 2 Succeed”
Mini-talk Category
- First-place
- Beta Sigma Pi, CWI’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society – “Stereotyping and Civility on the CWI Campus: PTK Honors in Action Project” by Laura Baldwin, Rheanna Palmer, Jody Ayers, Kristal Smith, Nicole Johnston, and Mia Cinello-Smith; presented by Michal Yadlin
- Taite Griffin – “Bellevue Hospital and It’s Effects on Early American Healthcare”
Synchronous Mini-talk Category
- First-place
- Tim Riley – "My Price of Admission"
- Kathleen Brashier – "Treasure"
- Kristin Grimm – "The Equitable Treatment of Male and Female Genders in John Donne's 'The Canonization'"
Each year, faculty and staff work to bring this wonderful event to life. Michelle Fellows, Department Chair of Social Sciences, has been an integral part of the Connections Project serving as the committee lead and overseeing the production of the project for the last five years. She knew students who participated in the Connections Project pushed themselves to grow, not only academically, but often emotionally as well. As Fellows prepares to leave CWI to teach in Alaska, we commend her for all she has done for the Connections Project and wish her luck on her new endeavor.
“Michelle has been inspirational to all who worked on the project, and without her, it would not have been the same,” said Cathy Carson, Associate Professor of Math.
Stay tuned for additional virtual presentations including recognition of our 2020 Emerging Scholars recipients.
Watch the Connections Excellence Awards Video