2018 Nursing Pinning Ceremony [1]

College of Western Idaho (CWI) celebrated on Thursday, May 10, the Associate of Science Degree in Nursing Pinning Ceremony at the Nampa Civic Center. Hundreds of family and friends cheered for the thirty graduates as they received their hard-earned pins.
Following opening remarks from Allison Baker, Chair of CWI Nursing Department, Joan Weddington, and President, Bert Glandon, Odette Bolano, President Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, took the stage for the keynote speech.
Bolano highlighted the importance of nursing and developing trust with their patients and she closed her speech with this thought. “There are endless opportunities awaiting each and every one as you begin your careers as nurses. I hope no matter what your choices are, you will move forward with grace, compassion, and commitment.”
Of the thirty graduates, 28 will be transferring to other institutions to obtain a bachelor’s degree and 21 already have jobs in the nursing field. Well done class of 2018!