Tech Talk: Office 365 Update and Online Security Reminder [1]

The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Information Technology (IT) Department presents this series of Bert’s Alerts articles intended to share updates at CWI as well as relevant technology topics.
Office 365 Migration
The date for CWI’s Office 365 migration is quickly approaching. IT is still on target for a mid-February start and in preparation here are a few details. Employees should be on the lookout for an email next week that will explain when accounts will be migrated, as well as what to expect the day of migration and the day after.
Here are some of the benefits to expect from the new Office 365 Platform:
- Increased email security and spam filtering
- An updated Outlook Web Access interface
- An increase for individual mail box storage up to 50GB
- Online versions of Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
Be Alert
IT would like to remind employees to beware all requests for them to click on an email link to gather information. A number of people have recently received emails with requests to, “Please open and update!” Employees should do neither and are asked to delete the email immediately.
Security experts project 2015 to be a record year for attempts to gather personal information, due to banks and retailers in the United States changing to higher security credit cards in the coming months. Those who would like to steal personal information plan to do so before it gets more difficult. One way to combat these efforts is to not click on links in emails that were not requested.