Remote Work Timeline [1]

President Bert Glandon, in conjunction with President’s Cabinet, announced Friday, April 10, 2020, remote work for College of Western Idaho (CWI) employees will continue through May 1, 2020.
“Our teams have demonstrated tremendous results so far,” said Glandon. “Given that just this week students have been reengaging digitally, it is best to continue our current practice of remote work.”
CWI shifted to full-remote delivery of services earlier in March as part of a coordinated effort to responsibly support students and College functions during the COVID19 pandemic.
“Our faculty, Enrollment and Student Services staff, all our employees have been so positively and proactively working to help our students,” said Provost Denise Aberle-Cannata. “It’s a testament to the great commitment we see every day here at CWI.”
CWI leadership enacted remote work, social distancing guidelines, and other protocols to help curb the growth of contacted cases of COVID. Gov. Brad Little is expected to address the stay-at-home order he issued in late March early the week of April 13.