GoGo Squeeze Offers Community COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics [1]

EVENT CANCELLED: FDA and CDC are recommending a temporary "pause" for the administration of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Unfortunately, the timing of this recommendation is causing GoGo Squeez to cancel the vaccine clinics.
GoGo Squeeze in Nampa will make vaccines available to the community, including College of Western Idaho employees, during two COVID-19 vaccine clinics April 16 and April 19.
In partnership with Terry Reilly Health Services, participants in the company’s clinics will receive the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine which only requires one dose. A fact sheet on the vaccine is included below.
There are 150 registration slots available for each day – for a total of 300 vaccines. The registration slots will remain open until all slots are filled. Walk-ups will not be allowed. Participants must be registered online using the links below. If all time slots are filled, there is an option to register to be on the “On-Call” list in the event any slots become available.
Vaccine Clinic Dates
Friday, April 16
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Monday, April 19
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
How to Sign Up
Follow the link below to sign up for a time slot on the date of your choosing:
Sign up link for Friday, April 16 [2]
Sign up link for Monday, April 19 [3]
GoGo SqueeZ Nampa Plant [4]
8385 Birch Lane
Nampa, Idaho
Enter property at Gate 1 by the electronic sign. Park and enter at the main visitor entrance near the flag poles.
Important Information
- Please help with social distancing by arriving no earlier than five minutes prior to your scheduled time. Masks will be required.
- Participants must be age 18 or older to receive this particular vaccine.
- Bring your insurance card and a form of identification to your appointment.
- Complete the pre-screen information worksheet (see PDF) before your appointment, and bring it with you.
- Anticipate being at the plant for approximately 30 minutes due to required observation time after receiving the vaccine.
- Please wear a short-sleeve shirt to facilitate the vaccination process.