CWI Participating in English Remediation Reform [1]

College of Western Idaho (CWI) has announced it is participating in English remediation reform, effective immediately for the upcoming Spring 2014 semester. CWI’s new model for English remediation comes as a part of a statewide mandate, in which all Idaho public institutions are participating.
Over the past year, CWI’s English faculty have been working on a model that has been shown to benefit students by reducing the amount of time it takes to reach college-level classes and giving students the support they need to succeed in those classes. The model is similar to one adopted by Boise State University.
This change will affect how students are advised through the English composition sequence. Communication has been sent to full-time faculty regarding advising changes, while One Stop Student Services has been trained on the new process. Some of the important advising changes include:
- All remedial level English classes (ENGL 015 and 090) are going away
- The English 101+ model will replace those classes
- English 101+ is ENGL 101 plus a 2-credit co-requisite, ENGL 100.
- ENGL 100 is a support class for ENGL 101
- English Compass scores of 18-69 place a student in ENGL 101 plus ENGL 100
- Students who place higher may elect to take ENGL 100 as well
- ENGL 100 may count as elective credit toward graduation (depending on degree allowance for electives)
Questions about these changes or English requirements can be directed to English Department Chair, Joy Palmer, at [2].