Campus Security Officers Celebrated [1]

College of Western Idaho (CWI) is celebrating the quick thinking and compassionate actions of two security personnel this summer that ultimately saved the life of a distressed dog on CWI’s campus.
In July, Officer Steve Corman was doing his exterior patrols at CWI’s Nampa Campus Academic Building. During this patrol, he noticed a black car with the windows cracked with a young Siberian Husky inside. The temperature at the time was 95 degrees and rising. Corman noticed the dog was shaking and vomiting and appeared to be very ill.
As Corman was notifying his account manager to respond to the scene, Officer Dan Callsen arrived and was able to open the vehicle’s locked door to remove the dog and take it inside the building. Corman notified animal control of the situation and proceeded to take the dog into an air conditioned room and give it water. The owner of the dog was located by the local police and animal control.
Using a temperature gun, animal control determined the temperature in the car was 155 degrees in the sun and 135 degrees in the shade. The animal control officer concluded that the dog may have only lived another 10 to 15 minutes had it been left in that environment, and credited the officers with saving the dog’s life.
Corman and Callsen were praised for handling the situation with the utmost professionalism. They communicated as a team and worked with all parties involved to quickly and without hesitation deal with the situation. Thank you Steve and Dan for your exemplary response, job well done.