Yuuchi Clavo

Photo of Yuuchi Clavo
Admissions Representative

What I Do

I am your lifeline to the college. I can help you navigate the admissions process, apply for financial aid, register for classes, make payments, and much more.  


Hi, I’m Yuuchi. Originally from the Philippines but I’ve called Idaho my home sweet home since 2005. I enjoy traveling and exploring different cultures, especially trying new foods. When I'm not on campus, you'll often find me in the kitchen whipping up something tasty or spending quality time with my family. 

As a first-generation immigrant and the first in my family to graduate, my journey with CWI holds extra significance for me. It started as a student, where I learned to navigate through the challenges of being a nontraditional college student. CWI came into my life, providing not just education but also a supportive community that enabled me to complete my marketing degree. Balancing college with two jobs wasn’t easy, but it taught me resilience and determination that I bring to everything I do. I can't wait to connect with all of you and be part of your CWI experience! 


  • Marketing Communications – Associate of Applied Science