Campus Tech Support

Welcome to College of Western Idaho's (CWI) Campus Tech Support — your first stop for support and assistance with technology or equipment on campus.

Students outside a campus building looking at a mobile phone

CWI Login Information

Once admitted as a student at the College, you will be provided with an official CWI account. This username and password will be used to access myCWI, Blackboard, your student email, Microsoft 365 applications, and more. 

  • To get started, visit Logon Help to Enroll your account.
  • Sign in using the username provided in your official acceptance letter. 
    • The temporary password is your first initial capitalized + last initial capitalized + 'logon' the last four digits of your social security number (e.g., FLlogon1234). 
      • If you have not provided your social security number to the College or do not have one, please use the last four digits of your student ID number.
    • Follow the prompts to set up security questions and reset your password to a custom password of your choosing.

Once your account has been enrolled, you may use Logon Help to reset or change your password and recover access to your account.

Logon Help Multi-Factor Authentication


Stay connected and on track during your educational journey with the new and improved myCWI! This customizable hub is your first stop for quick access to: 

  • the Self-Service Toolkit
  • Blackboard
  • important announcements and notifications
  • advising
  • calendars and events
  • links to resources and services across the College
  • and more!

 Log in to myCWI   

Iphone with CWI Mobile App on screenDownload the app

Access myCWI on the go with the CWIMobile app, free on Apple or Android.

 Download on the Apple Store  CWI Mobile App Google Download

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